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  1. A: I'd get you half that. Those look stale. B: Are you kidding? no! No deal those are worth full price.
    你半价给我吧,那些看起来都不新鲜了。 你开玩笑吧,不行。这些是全价的。


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  2. Allthechem is the world’s leading manufacturer of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), pharmaceutical intermediates and dietary supplements since the last 5 decades. We utilize our knowledge and R&D expertise to provide incomparable products to our customers across the world.


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  3. For business or corporate purchasers with orders of over $250, we may, at our discretion, allow such customers to make payment after receiving an invoice from us. This is subject to satisfactory credit references.


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  4. Consider shipping a container of coffee beans, a highly hygroscopic cargo, from Brazil to Japan. The journey is long, and the route is humid. For a 40 ft container (roughly 67.7 m³), using a desiccant factor for high moisture sensitivity (let's say 1.5 kg/m³), you'd calculate: 67.7*1.5=101.55 (kg of desiccant).
    考虑将一集装箱咖啡豆(一种高度吸湿的货物)从巴西运往日本。路途漫长,路途潮湿。对于一个 40 英尺的集装箱(约 67.7 m³),使用干燥剂因子来实现高湿度敏感性(假设为 1.5 kg/m³),您可以计算出: 67.7*1.5=101.55(千克干燥剂)。


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  5. One real-world application that underscores the importance of desiccant bags involves the storage and transport of electronic equipment. In an experiment shared on Reddit, a user stored camera equipment in a sealed container with desiccant bags. The result? Humidity levels dropped below 40%, significantly reducing the risk of fungus growth on the sensitive electronics. This practical example highlights how effective desiccant bags can be in protecting valuable items from moisture damage.
    一个强调干燥剂袋重要性的实际应用涉及电子设备的储存和运输。在Reddit上分享的一项实验中,用户将相机设备存放在带有干燥剂袋的密封容器中。结果呢?湿度水平降至 40% 以下,显着降低了真菌在敏感电子设备上生长的风险。这个实际的例子突出了干燥剂袋在保护贵重物品免受湿气损坏方面的有效性。


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  6. Reference and retention samples from each batch of finished product should be retained for at least one year after the expiry date.


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  7. Basements are known for being a bit damp, so if you store important things in your basement, add a desiccant o/r two to protect them from the moisture in the air.


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  8. Seed packets that come from a nursery or hardware store are usually thoroughly dried, but if you harvest seeds from your own plants, they might not be fully dry before you store them. Put a desiccant in with your seeds to help keep them from molding until the next planting season.


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  9. If you store important documents in a safe (If you keep your photos in a box), a desiccant can help protect those documents from moisture in the air.


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  10. For any business transporting goods by sea, land, or air, using the right amount and type of desiccant is key to preserving the quality and integrity of their products.


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  11. It’s important to note that while desiccant bags offer a powerful defense against moisture, their effectiveness is determined by their proper use and placement within the container. This highlights the need for understanding the specific requirements of your cargo and the conditions it will face during transit.


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  12. The product was packed in double polyethylene bags with desiccant bags and keep sealed, all kept inside a fiber drum.


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  13. Sorry to reply late due to our Spring Festival / Chinese New Year / Tomb-sweeping Festival / Ching Ming Festival / Labour Day / International Workers' Day / Dragon-boat Festival / National Day / National Festival holiday (Oct. 1-7) / Mid-Autumn Festival.
    对不起因为春节/清明节/劳动节/端午节/国庆/中秋节 假期回复晚了。


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  14. All production, control, and distribution records should be retained for (at least) 1 year after the expiry date of the batch.


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  15. Distribution records shall be kept for one year after expiration date of the product.


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