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- We hoped that you will point our company as the soled distributor in Japan.
- You can entrust us with the soled agency for your shirt in our country.
- We ask to be the sole agent for your clock in our territory.
- We should like to be pointed as your agent in our country.
- We have decided to accept your order in spite of the current shortage of the goods.
- We can now confirm you the order for 500 bed sheets and pillow cases.
我方现在可以确认贵方所订购的 500 床床单和枕套。
- We are glad to receive your order and confirm the acceptance for it.
- This is the confirmation of your order place last week.
- This is our sales confirmation confirming your order No 26 of April 10th.
这是我方的销售确认书,确认贵方 4/10 的第 26号订单。
- We have booked your order No 267 for optical instruments.
我们接受你方有关光学仪器的第 267 号订单。
- At present, we can not undertake to entertain your order owning to the uncertain availability of raw materials.
- We acknowledged your order of May 5th for 100 unit motorcycle P180.
我方按受贵方 5/5 关于100台 p180 摩托车的订单。
- We’d like to offer our service in the sale of your refrigerators.
- We have now decided to supply you with all the parts as itemized in your order and going to apply to the government agencies concern for export licenses.
- We thank you for your order of 20th May and supply you with 2,000 ties No.235.
感谢贵方 5/20 日的订单,现向贵方提供编号为 235 号的领带2000 条。