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Dear Sirs,
Re:Delay in delivery
We much regret the delay, and can assure you that we havedone our utmost to expedite delivery, but the great pressure oforders for these goods has made it impossible for us to deliver aspromptly as we could wish, in spite of the fact that our people areworking over time. We are sorry to have to keep you waiting, as weknow you want the goods urgently and, in order to show you thatwe are anxious to avoid putting you to inconvenience, we have putaside other orders which really should have been got at hand first.
Our customers are pressing on all sides for immediate delivery,but the demand is unprecedentedly heavy, and we are by no meansthe only manufacturer of these goods whose resources have beenovertaxed. We trust this explanation will convince you of ourendeavours to fill your esteemed orders with the best possibledespatch, and as, until this recent rush, we have never failed todeliver your orders within the matter of recent delays. Your esteemedorders will at all times receive our most careful and prompt attention.
We remain, dear sirs,
Your faithfully,
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